Drama released May 16, 2014

Confessions of a Girl Gang is a story of adolescent extremities; friendship, hardships, loyalty, courage, revelry, rebelliousness and heart told through the intimate inner workings of a small town girl gang.

How did it all begin? How did an unlikely group of teenage misfits fuse into a single, glorious, flame? Foxfire. Well, it’s hard to say. And it’s been such a long time. What I do know, for certain, is that it was early 1953 and it was Legs’ idea. She was the one who found the name, Foxfire. Like I said, we were a bunch of young girls, some of us barely fourteen years old, who went to Perry Junior High School, a public school in Hammond, upstate New York. We were poor, from the “wrong side of the tracks,” more or less left on our own by our parents. And we had common enemies that we wanted to fight against. We didn’t want to be at the mercy and fate of economic and male oppression. We needed to band together forming a sisterhood to fight social and political injustice!

And so Foxfire was born. We were a girls’ gang, more secret and more imaginative than the boys’ gangs who laid down the law in our school. Legs thought up a magic, ecstatic initiation ceremony. We tattooed our emblem – a flame – on our shoulders, mixed our blood and swore to be faithful to our blood sisters: Foxfire is your heart! Foxfire never says sorry!

Director: Laurent Cantet

Writer: Laurent Cantet & Robin Campillo

Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates

Cast: Raven Adamson, Katie Coseni, Madeleine Bisson, Claire Mazerolle, Paige Moyles, Rachel Nyhuus, Lindsay Rolland-Mills, Alexandria Ferguson

Producers: Simone Urdl, Jennifer Weiss, Carole Scotta, Caroline Benjo, Simon Arnal, Barbara Letellier